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Arts and Life

When Silence is Golden!



Jarlath Uche Opara

When there is nothing good and edifying to say,remain quiet. When what comes always from your mouth is inflammatory, caustic and poisoning, shut it up.

When what becomes your stock in trade is gossip, propaganda and malicious defamation of character, tie it.

Our mouth is meant to speak and communicate goodnews, edify, praise and worship not to divide, shame and kill.

If your mouth is always running like a dirty tap, spilling nothing but stinking water and causing pollution here and there, if you don’t repent soon, it would be tied this way.

Angels have been released and charged to identify and tie such long, elastic mouths causing disaffection, spreading lies and rumours.

If your mouth is among, either you repent now or risk being tied soon. This kind of mouth has actually ruined nations, relationship, families and souls. It looks small and innocent but deadly and destructive. Run! Anywhere it is seen. Not something to either embrace or keep at a close range

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