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Arts and Life

When Life Humbles!



By Jarlath Uche Opara

Not many think towards this direction. Not many have had the experience of this other side of life. It comes in two sides, the lifter and the humbler. It liftes even when one doesn’t expect it, in same strength, it humbles in moments of self absorption and saturation.

When self becomes a demi- god to be worshiped and ones accomplishment a creed to be sung with prideful disposition, life is always at the corner watching for the next possible move.

Its next move could be a blow that brings one back to that humbling rung of life.

The shocking truth is, life is no respecter of status, no situation too beggarly to defie its lifting and no conditions too secured not to be humbled.

We are all voices, capable to crow. A voice may crow today and another doesn’t, it does not mean that the status quo would remain unchanged.

We all can roar and make the world stand still and watch with a deafening ovation. Nobody has a monopoly of it. If life gives one that opportunity, roar. With humility relish the accolades and ovation.

However, never think it would always be you and you alone. Life gives nobody a monopoly of things. Good or bad, riches or poverty. Fame or solitude.

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Change is the only constant thing. From the lowly another voice can still be amplified and the ovation
it commands silences yours.

Never allow life to humble you! Rather humble life by treating your moments wherever it swings with a cheerful humble disposition, seeing it as a phase that can fizzle, not a patrimony that is exclusive.

Nobody reigns forever. We reign in seasons. Nobody remains at all times on the screen of popularity and celebrity. The screen of life is to large and flexible to allow one to enjoy such monopoly for a long time. It throws out and throws in at intervals.

Don’t allow life to humble you, rather humble life by being detached to whatever it throws at you. It could be fortune or misfortune. Misery or mastery, pains or praise. Gory or glory. Always remember, there is no constancy in the scheme of life. That lowly that seemed wasted and rusted could be in split second the voice that reverberates and commands awe and adulation.

In your stage and phase of life,treat everybody equally and never allow your phase to either make you arrogant and prideful or jealous and envious.

Just be happy, humble, detached and humane. At the last rung of life or at its echelon, nobody has a monopoly of them.

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Crow and roar if life gives you the platform. Ones misery starts when one thinks it will always remain so and the world always revolving around him.

No! Life isn’t static, it will change and the one you least expected gets on board and drowns your voice . The one you undermined, ridiculed, mal treated ,maligned, oppressed etc gets lifed and surpassed your marks and threshold.

Humble life by being humble and humane at all times and in all situations.

The most richest person in the entire universe can be humbled by life! Life! Too deep to be unraveled!

Dr. Jarlath Uche Opara

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