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Victors in strife!



By Jarlath Uche Opara

The best description one can possibly give to this image. Thriving in challenges. Blossoming in hard and crushing weather. Nigerians! see your reflection above. If that grass could survive in such an unfriendly environment, you too can do it.

If the pattering of the water, the smouldering of the sun, the buffeting force of the wind and the hard metal of the zinc couldn’t stop those grasses, nothing would stop you, not even the squeezing economic crisis of this country.

Blossom! Even in the desert! Glow! Even amidst rock and stones.

Thrive and bear fruits, even in a very harrowing phase such as ours. You were born to win and winners don’t chicken out.
They may fall ,but they are not failures. They may get hungry but they are not hungry humans. They may be broke, but not poor. They may experience set backs ,but they are not never do well.
Look through the window, as the rays of sun come in their majestic glory, so shall you rise and shine one more time. It can only be darkest when it is about to dawn.

Jarlath Uche Opara

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