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To revive the economy,put round peg in round hole …. Accountant tells Tinubu



By Ekuson Nw’Ogbunka

In order to effectively address and revive Nigeria’s decaying economy, a renowned accountant and the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) of the ongoing 10th Anniversary of the Professional Women Accountants of Nigeria (PROWAN), with the theme: Organisational Leadership and Growth Trajectory, Hajiya Aisha Mohammed (FCNA) has advised the president of Nigeria, Senator Ahmed Bola Tinubu to put the right people in the right place.

The LOC chairman spoke to our man shortly after the opening ceremony of the event at ANAN House in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) yesterday.

Believing that the poor state of the economy will be effectively addressed and revived, if the women accountants are put in the right places in the country, based on their antecedents, she however urged Nigerians to not only give the government time, but also support those in authority in the governance of the county, so as to address the economy.

“Although as wives, we can’t compete with our husbands, but if the women accountants are put in the right place, they will give you the best and they have been doing it,” she stated, adding: “You can’t tell me that somebody who just came into office yesterday, would perform wonder. If we can give them time and support, I believe that Nigeria’s economy will be good again.”

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Speaking on the ongoing sharing of the palliatives in the country, she said: “The government has good intension on the paliatives, but I adsvise them to do careful supervision, by ensuring that it gets to the right people, for the aims and objectives of the government to be achieved.

“Let the gov’t look at what is happening in the market. Withiut checking the prices of goods and services in the market, even if you give the money in millions, inflation will be the result and the aims and objectives will be defeated.

On the economic value of the event, she said: “The economic value of the 10th anniversary of PROWAN is going to be amazing, after the event. We intend to ensure that the women get to the top, which if done would go a iong way, because they are known for prudence.

Also speaking, the Coordinator, FCT 1 Chapter, Mrs Magarett Ada Ameh attributed one of the women’s challanges to the way their men counterparts see them as not knowing anything, even as she stated that whatever men can do, the women can do better. Boasting that they can compete favourably with their men counterparts, she informed that they have a wonan as the Minister of Finance and others in the government agencies who are doing very well. Ameh however advised Nigerian women in accounting to be vast and spread their wings, adding that the women as accountants, Nigeria will be in a better position

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Earlier, the National Chairperson of the association, Princess (Mrs) Elemanya Ebiliah (FCNA) said that having women as accountants in a country is a blessing, just as she informed that they have members who have excelled.

Advising her members to continue to work hard and keep being themselves in discharge of their duties, based on knowledge, the National Chairperson therefore said that she sees the women as the leaders of tomorrow in the profession. Prooving her point, by defending that the Account General of the Federation is a woman, Elemanya said that after her, they will continue to have more of them in the position.

“Once you have wonen as the head in any office, you are covered because they are not only dependable, effective and efficient, but also prudent,” she boasted.

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