Talk is cheap! Nigeria Politicians and their gullibility
By Jarlath Uche Opara
Talks are cheap! when The chips are down , the real colour would show. It is not in words that kings are known, not in regalia, rather in power, authority and integrity.
When hunger presses, fame receding, power and authority waning and the gullibility to become relevant high faluting, ones vomit becomes a delight, if only going back to it would be beneficial.
*When I hear people declaring for APC saying that they want to continue the good job of Mr president. The good job of people dying everyday. The good job of naira falling everyday. I feel so ashamed. That we have gotten to the level of sycophancy. People will come and say I want to continue the good job of Buhari. What is the good Job of Buhari? Hunger is the good job? Poverty is the good job?insecurity is the good job? Economy falling is the good job? It is such a shameful thing.i can’t believe that somebody will come out in today’s Nigeria and say I want to continue where Mr. Buhari stopped. May God forgive them. May God never allow this people to continue* ( author unknown 😃)
I saw the above lines and wondered at first who was this patriotic Nigerian that made this statement worthy to be used as words on marble. So descriptive in succinct manner the difficulties Mr Buhari’ government brought on Nigerians. I rated it as a dispassionate analysis of the ordeal of Nigeria economic hardship. We saw it!. We heard it! we smelt it!. We drank it and it became ones woes and pains. We wanted, we desired and passionately looked forward for a change. Not a change from the letter B to the hoof of a cow. Not a change from six to half a dozen. Not a change from the ground to an anthill. The one we desired wasn’t one of new wine in an old wine skin. We wanted a change of both the wine skin and the wine.
So when certain characters began to campaign to continue the good works of Mr Buhari, the author of the lines, won the hearts of many Nigerians with such a punchy, succinct, insicive and methodic analysis of the woes and shambolic nature of our economy under him, and tagged anybody who desires to continue such legacies as an enemy of Nigerians.
Was he right? Absolutely right. Did he stick to those campaigned with such continuity of Mr. Buhari’ good job? Has he eaten his vomits severally? Has he shown values and integrity?
Can he be be trusted? Can he be described as a man of his words,? Who is this man with such deep knowledge of how Mr. Buhari’ administration grounded the economy, but still aligned and aligning himself with the same block that campaigned on the continuity of Buhari’ bad regime?
Show me this man and the Nigerian masses would crown him as the most prebendal politician of the year, whose quest and greed for fame, position, etc made him to go back to his vomits without shame.
He deserves our accolades and his antecedent, rich enough for a doctoral thesis on how not to be a politician of shameful stomach infrastructure.
I was thinking there are some politicians who are decent enough to fight and shun the spirit of gullibility and going back to their vomits, until I saw one Ebonyi big politician gone back to his caked and stinking vomits. Then it dawned me , how they are all one and the same when hunger presses, fame dwindling, power and authority very expensive to have.
Nigeria politicians, at ones own peril and shame if one dares take their words to the bank. Their words and promises, very sweet and delightful to the ears but poisonous to the system.
I tried to describe a chameleon to someone who hasn’t seen what it looks like before. As hard as I tried to explain it to a very intelligible level, it became obvious he wasn’t comprehending. Immediately I used the imagery of a Nigeria politician , like a magnet he caught the vision.
That is who they are . Changing according to the colour of the environment they find themselves. Their colour isn’t defined and one cannot hold them by such colours. And trying to hold them by their words, is trying to hold an eel, very difficult.
When they come on stage and talk, those are not their convictions, but mere rhetorics to sale a particular product of their choice for grossly selfish interest.
When they come and say all manner of unprintable words to themselves, as caustic as they may sound to the ears, in one second, they can change swiftly and eulogize same persons they demonised, still for personal selfish interest.
Take them seriously, honestly you would die for nothing. They are same, no permanent friends, but permanent interest. They are bunch of crude and crook individuals who come together not in the spirit of “Aristotle Koinonia” of harmonious relationship between the state and the citizens but rather in the spirit of Koinonia among themselves to supress the masses for personal selfish gains.
Looking at the majority of our political leaders, one certainly would not be able to see them through the lenses of Plato’s definition of who a politician should be
“politics needs expert rulers, and they cannot come to it merely by accident, but must be carefully selected and prepared in the course of extensive training. Making political decisions requires good judgment” (Plato)
If only the above is our way and standard of selecting who plays in this big team of politics, this nonsense we see everyday among them would have been non existing. Until we heed to this Plato’ recommendation, the chances of miscreants becoming our leaders are not slim. By the way, they are gradually infiltrating our political space already .
May God help us!!
Jarlath Uche Opara