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Renewed Hope Agenda: Godswill Akpabio, “The Man in the arena of legislative Interventions”



By Kingsley Okoye

It was Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of America, who said, in one of his famous quote.

” It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

” The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood,who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again.

“Because there is no effort without error or short coming,but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause.

“Who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who,at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly,so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Roosevelt’s famous quote on striving valiantly and daring greatly, exemplifies the personna of President of Nigerian 10th Senate, Senator. Godswill Akpabio.

Akpabio’s pedigree, archivements, leadership and political antecedents continues to attract recognition across all strata of the Nigerian society and beyond.

Akpabio, a former Governor of Akwa Ibom State and Minister of Niger- Delta Affairs, also served as Commissioner in three different ministries.

A servant leader,whose social contract, loyalty, dedication and commitment to the people remained unwavering as demonstrated over time,with measurable and lasting legacies to show for his time in various offices, most importantly the uncommon and unprecedented transformation of Akwa Ibom state into one of the flagship states in Nigeria.

On assumption, as President of the 10th Senate and Chairman of National Assembly, Akpabio did not mince words on the agenda of the 10th Senate for Nigerians under his leadership,as he declared in his inaugural speech that the 10th Senate would work for the good of Nigerians and help ensure practical attainment of “Renewed Hope Agenda” of President Bola Tinubu via enactment of people oriented legislations, proper oversight of Ministries Departments and Agencies(MDAs) and ensure life enhancing legislative interventions across sectors of the economy for the good of Nigerians.

“We will expand legislations to improve revenue stream and proper oversight of MDAs to reduce waste of resources, make laws to ensure foreign direct investment into the country.

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“We will pay attention to insecurity to ensure that our roads are free for people to travel to any parts of the country.

“We are here to do national duties,this Senate is about Nigeria and Nigerians, so long as the policies that comes to this chamber is about empowering Nigerians, we shall dwell and deliberate on them.

“I did not believe in politically motivated infrastructure, the 10th Senate would ensure serious oversight functions on MDAs.

“We will put members of the executive on their toe, particularly the ministers, when they are appointed, we will follow project by project and will do our best in terms of appropriation”, Akpabio said at in his inaugural address.

Akpabio, in October 21,2023, leading Nigeria’s delegation to the 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU)General Assembly in Luanda,Angola,broke a 59 year old jinx, with his election into the executive committee of the global parliamentary body for a three year mandate.

The last time, a Nigerian was elected into the executive committee of the parliamentary union, whose mandate is to facilitate parliamentary diplomacy and empowers parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development around the world was in 1964.

Unaguably, many believed that the giant strides,activities and legislative interventions of the 10th Senate under Akpabio’s leadership in the past six months is a pointer and commitment to working the talk on the”Renewed Hope Agenda” of President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

In the last six months of inauguration of the 10th Senate under his leadership, the Upper Chamber has continued to enact landmark legislations, pass resolutions and intervened in critical moments for the good of Nigerians and the nation in general.

First, was the intervention of the Senate in the industrial dispute by the National Association of Resident Doctors, as the strike almost halted the delivery of health services in the nation’s health facilities.

The suspension of the NLC, TUC, strike, occasioned by the removal of fuel subsidy by the Federal Government, was also linked to the patriotic intervention of the Senate led Akpiabio.

On working the talk to reduce hardship faced by Nigerians,Akpabio led Senate,via a motion resisted the scheduled upward adjustment of electricity tariff for onward implementation by the electricity Distribution Companies (DisCos).

Given,the narratives of take a “bow and go syndrome” in the past,associated with secreening of ministerial nominees,and other appointees of the executive,the senate under Akpabio ensured intense screening and confirmation of ministers, and other nominees from the executive ,an affirmation of a 10th senate that upholds principle of checks and balances between the executive and the legislature and independence of the legislature.

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Akpabio’s leadership penchant for prosperity for Nigeria and Nigerians was manifesting in the enactment of legislations to drive the desired growth of the economy, as many far reaching bills, motions, resolutions across critical sectors of the economy has been passed at various stages, while many other bills are still undergoing legislative inputs at committee stages.

Most recently was the passing of the amendment of on the 2023 Supplementary Appropriation to extend its implementation from Jan.31, to March 31, 2024.

The extension was to give all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) that received allocation recently for 2023 supplementary budget more time to execute critical projects designed to reflate the economy and ultimately engender further prosperity of Nigeria and Nigerians.

The icing of the cake, was when Akpiabio led national assembly with lawmakers demonstrated uncommon nationalism and patriotism,while sacrificing their Christmas celebration to pass the 2024 Appropriation Bill to maintain the January to December Budget Cycle already established in the 9th Senate.

Akpabio’s disposition for qualitative leadership in governance has endeared many to him, as they took turns to shower encomiums on him during his recent 61st birthday anniversary.

President Bola Tinubu had remarked on December 9, that the nation was celebrating a political leader, whose antecedents and achievements continue to attract recognition at home and abroad.

He said Akpabio’s service to the nation continues to inspire patriotism.

The immediate past President of the ninth Senate, Senator Ahmad Lawan also extoled Akpabio for his remarkable achievements throughout his political career.

He commended Akpabio’s efforts in championing legislative initiatives, and lauded his unwavering determination in advocating for good governance.

Lawan said Akpabio has displayed throughout his political career as an uncommon leader, via his dedication to public service and commitment to improving the lives of the Nigerian people.

“As President of the Nigerian Senate and Chairman of National Assembly, you have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to making a lasting impact as you stir the affairs of the National Assembly.”

Lawan commended Akpabio’s tireless efforts in championing legislative initiatives and applauded his unwavering determination to advocate good governance.

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Senator .Okechukwu Ezea representing Enugu-North also described the leadership of Akpabio as one filled with dynamism, uncommon performance and exceptional brilliance.

Ezea said Akpabio was an astute administrator, a dogged lover of democracy and an uncommon leader, while restating his commitment and collaboration in working with Akpabio to further put smiles on the faces of Nigerians through life-touching motions, bills and other legislative interventions.

Deputy President of the Senate, Jibrin Barau, also described Akpabio as a patriotic Nigerian par excellence.

“You are a patriotic Nigerian par excellence. Your contribution to the entrenchment of democracy is immense, sterling, and novel, first as a governor, a senator, a minority leader, a minister, and now President of the Senate.

“As encapsulated in the Renewed Hope Agenda of the present administration, the welfare, interest, and general well-being of Nigerians are paramount to us in the 10th Senate under your able leadership,Barau had said.

Similarly, leader of the Senate, Opeyemi Bamidele, commended Akpabio’s commitment to promoting the cause of the masses and pro-people legislation.

He said since his emergence as the president of Senate, Akpabio had been providing strategic leadership that prioritised consensus-building in the interest of peace, progress and development.

Bamidele said that Akpabio has always been calm, peaceful and unruffled, even amid scathing public criticism,always according utmost respect to all legislators regardless of their political leanings.

With Akpabio, as the man at the gavel, driving the needed legislative interventions for the good of Nigerians, many believe, that Nigerians are in for the best of representation, lawmaking and oversight of MDAs and other deserving legislative interventions for the good of the nation.

As lawmakers’ resume back from recess latter in the month ,It is believed, that the 10th Senate and by extension the National Assembly,under the leadership of Akpabio would continue to enact far reaching legislations like amendment to the Constitution, Electoral Act, Finance Act, Petroleum Industry Act(PIA)Minimum Wage Adjustment Bill, Audit Bill, fight against corruption bills among many other development prone legislations across various sectors to drive the needed growth and development and ultimately result in attainment of “renewed hope agenda” via mitigation of poverty and ultimately increased prosperity of Nigerians and the nation.

Okoye Kingsley is a media professional in Abuja.

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