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Real Women Don’t Need Money To Love.



Jarlath Uche Opara

Money is the least factor in the order of priority for real women. Their drive is beyond money and what attracts, turns them on and perpetually tickles them, beyond Money! I mean real women, not “Adigboloja”!! .

For a decade, I have done a deliberate research on what keeps women stick and glued to men. For real women, is everything but money.

But for the “Adigboloja”, money remains a major factor, every other thing is a subsidiary.

The “Adigboloja” women are those who would easily get down with their drivers, gatemen etc, even in the midst of affluence.

They play the game of pretence with finesse, making their seeming loyalty, love , faithfulness etc believable.

They monetize every dealings with their husbands, screwing and squeezing them dry while making themselves an easy prey to those their hearts melt for. Sadly with those who may afterall in status, fame, influence and affluence be less to their husbands. Isn’t this ironically bizarre?

Men! Stop living under the illusion that with your money, the love, loyalty, respect, submission and faithfulness of your wife are assured. No! Money is the least in the priority list of real women. Surely, they would give you all these if their hearts are with you, regardless of your money or not.

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Have you asked yourself why there are high level of divorce rates and unfaithfulness in marriages of those who are financially stable? This of course is not to say that divorce do not occur with those who may not be strong financially.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Harold Hamm, Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Wynn etc these are men, made and very comsumate in their spaces of commerce and enterprise with the financial muscles to buy anything money can buy, yet their wives left them. The alarm here is, money can’t buy love for a heart whose beat isn’t for you.

The heart may pretend to be beating for you, but in real sense it is beating for another who she may be sustaining with your money. E-shock you?

Human heart in relation to love expression is so dynamically complex. What one thinks is foolish, oftentimes is what hype and makes it crazy. What one thinks is senseless is what a heart in love would roll through and dote on even in the mud.

Real women Don’t bill their husbands unnecessarily. They don’t hide their money, mounting pressure on a man to provide.

They lend a helping hand discretionary to that heart they love. Their love, loyalty and respect for their husband aren’t for sale, money can’t buy them of course.

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Rather, their love for their husbands grow and sustain them not money. They don’t need your money to love you. All they need is their love for you and your little show of love in reciprocation, even when your love isn’t strong and profound, real women still love once their heart is in love.

Fact check your wife, tick the boxes and advise yourself accordingly.

Love isn’t monetizable. If yours is, then there is a problem. Such love can’t weather the storm. In the face of tribulations it will fall like pack of cards and possibly take a walk if the situation seems irredeemable or become thorns in the flesh.

Real women dont enslave their men with their bodies and turn them into an ATM Machine, their virtues rather speak for them, so loud to be doubted.

May your wife not be like vasti the first wife of King Ahasuerus but Esther whose beauty, faithfulness, loyalty and prayerfulness were her love portion.

May your wife be your lifter not your drowner. May she be your sweet wine dripping from the cistern of love and faithfulness not your vinegar from the clay pot of sorrow, nagging and unfaithfulness. Until one experiences the real woman in love, the fake love of an Adigboloja seems real.

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