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Message of His Imperial Highness Prince Estifanos Matewos, President of the United Africa Royal Assembly, on the Occasion of African Union Day September 9, 2024African Union



On this significant day, the 9th of September, we join our brothers and sisters across the continent and its diaspora to commemorate not only the memory of the bold steps taken towards African unity but also reflect on the achievements we have made on our journey.

The Sirte Declaration of 1999, which laid the foundation for the establishment of the African Union in 2002, marked the beginning of a renewed commitment to the political and economic integration of our beloved continent.
As we stand here today, we honor this legacy and look to the future with great expectations.

The Pan-African Vision of “an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa” remains at the heart of our collective mission.

But for this vision to be fully realized, it is vital that all elements of African society play their roles. Among the most crucial and often overlooked are the traditional institutions—our Royal and Traditional Empires, Kingdoms, and Chiefdoms—that have long served as the pillars of governance, culture, and community cohesion across Africa.

The United Africa Royal Assembly, operationalized in 2022 as a key initiative of the late H.E. Muammar al-Qaddafi (May Peace Be Upon Him) and supported by the African Union, is committed to ensuring that these traditional institutions are integrated into the continent’s modern governance structures. We seek not only to preserve Africa’s profound identity and heritage but also to actively contribute to the sustainable development of our continent. Traditional rulers, as custodians of both cultural values and grassroots governance, must be given a well-defined role in shaping Africa’s future.

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The urgent need for political and economic integration on the continent cannot be overstated. As we push forward under the framework of Agenda 2063, we must recognize that traditional leaders are vital to fostering peace, good governance, and development.Their role in conflict resolution, social protection, and community-driven initiatives has consistently demonstrated their capacity to entrench stability and development. However, their contributions must be formally acknowledged and incorporated into the political framework of African states.

As we commemorate African Union Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to the Pan-African vision of unity, growth, and prosperity. Let us also recognize the indispensable role of traditional institutions in this endeavor. The path ahead is one where Africa’s cultural wisdom and modern governance must work hand in hand to achieve the true potential of our great continent.

I call upon African leaders and institutions to work together to ensure that the roles of traditional rulers are clearly defined and integrated within the broader framework of national and continental development. As we move forward, may we continue to honor our ancestors while paving the way for future generations to thrive in a peaceful, united, and prosperous Africa.

Long live African unity

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