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Executive: Side-Chicking The Other Arms



Dr. Jarlath Uche Opara

That is the era, it has always been, but this era is more pronounced and barefaced. The Executive has always been the “sugar daddy”, picking bills and making them feel good and alright. But this era is more obvious, making both the Judiciary and the Legislature more of side-chicks than co-partners.

Yesterday, I watched with pains and displeasure, the display of dependency, total show of unpatrotism and lacklustre defence of our democratic values and integrity. I watched a show of the masses’ representatives blinded by the rumbling of their stomach infrastrctural crave over stunch defence of democratic values

I watched the slicing and butchering of democracy with the sword of damocles of selfishness, greed and avarice. I watched with pains the sale of democratic tenents on the altar of 2027 political ambitions. Judiciary is gone and silenced. The legislature toothless with a barking, most cosmetic.

I watched a display of able bodied men cowed and emasculated, doing nothing but the bidding of their “Sugar daddy” than their constitutional duties and responsibilities .

I watched with pains and dismay how our legislators reduced themselves to mere puppets and robots, dancing not to reasoning, logic and constitutional provision but to the whims and caprices of their “Sugar Daddy” who remote control them with “prayer points” to their email boxes to fight and demonize that which they should constitutionally uphold and defend

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I watched a Parliament that was not bold to assert itself, I witnessed rather one that is jittery to look at their “suggar daddy” and throw his faults at his face without scruple. I watched a Parliament that would victimize any dissenting voice that speaks truth to “sugar daddies” who have become an empire, whose words should be obeyed not questioned even when such words are reason and logic defficient.

Sad! Our judiciary and legislature have been “side-chicked” by the Executive, who is delibrately making them feel “financial orgasm”, orgasm that makes them forget who they are , what their duties should be and the expectations of the poor masses they represent.

Today it is Rivers and Fubara. Tomorrow who knows who would be the next. The evil that men do would always find expression in their destiny path, when or how remains on the lap of God. Injustice done to one is always an injustice that would boomerang.

Permanence, is only possible in change, today would always be tomorrow’s yesterday. Life changes and the flexibility with which it comes cannot be stationed by any human.

Let the Judiciary and legislature continue to play this shameful role of a side-chick to the executive.

The juice and its sweetness enjoyed now may be a sour grape in their mouths when they least expect it.

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It is always a game played over chilled glass of champagne when it involves another, but a game over a hot glass of vinegar when one is at the eye of the storm.

To all those who upheld the suspension of Fubara , the legislators and the urspation of the power to make rules and regulations by the emperial Executive, congratulations to you all!!

You have done well and may posterity sit in judgement of these your actions and in due course dole out your indivudual emoluments.

They went to Fubara, you all played stomach politics with it, a day will come when they would come for your jugular and you would be in dire need of air, nobody would speak and the silence that would come to your rescue would be loud enough to hunt and hurt you.

Poor Nigerians! Wake from your delusion. Wake from your slumber, awake from your thought of having an independent judiciary and legistature. Their will power bought and their emotions at the hand of the executive, caged.

Their mind gone and the power to make logical, reasonable criticisms against the Executive’s dragonic and overbearing pronoucements blinded by the constant monetary orgasm they experince from the Executive. Do we have a judiciary and legislature we can trust? One question with a clear answer. How honorable and distinquish are they? If you ask me horrible and disgusting!

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Imagine the ordeal of a young impressionable girl who is in dire need of finacial assistanc in the hand of a promiscuous “sugar daddy”. Such is the ordeal of both the legislsture and judicuary in the hands of the Executive. Nigeria is sold!! The buyer not smiling!! River State is sold and would be governed by proxy, believe the contrary at your own peril.

To our lawmakers, I hope you would in hindsight after many years thump up your chest proudly and say “indeed we have no regret for such a shambolic, kangaroo manipulation of our democratic practices”.

Time will tell, karma is real and the law of retributive justice very potent,

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