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BREAKING: Technical Glitch Leads to Unintentional Debt Cancellation on MTN Network



By Admin

A system glitch within MTN Nigeria’s network has resulted in the unexpected erasure of debts on accounts belonging to subscribers who availed themselves of credit from the telecommunications giant.

The extent of the financial impact on the company remains unclear at this time.

Joyous subscribers, initially under the impression that MTN had generously gifted them with a debt waiver, are now celebrating what they believed to be a deliberate act by the telecom operator.

Expressing gratitude, subscribers have been thanking the company for the perceived “special gift” from the “god of MTN.

However, an official spokesperson from MTN has officially confirmed that the disappearance of debts in subscribers’ accounts is a consequence of a system glitch.

Despite the unintentional debt cancellation, subscribers are cautioned that they will still be required to settle the outstanding amounts once MTN rectifies the technical issue.

The company is actively working to address the glitch and restore normalcy to the affected accounts.

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