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Arts and Life




By Dr Jarlath Uche Opara

Life has taught me to look at words beyond their sounds. It taught me to ignore the conventional meaning imposed on them, especially when they are caustic and harsh.

Words are flexible, fluid and malleable. Not rigid but pliable indeed! Giving one the leeway to twist them the way one wants to achieve a result so desired.

Life has equally taught me to look at words from the composition of their letters and whatever meaning I give each letter becomes my reality of them.

When one uses words, judging them by their conventional meaning sets one up for misunderstanding of ones intentions.

Words for me are codes. Uncoding them demands the explanation of the coder to understand what the intentions are.

Always good to ask this question what do you mean? It is important, it diminishes assumptions and brings to a zero level, chances of being misunderstood.

Every word for me is an acronym. Each letter that forms the word helps to give meaning to the word. Never jumb to conclusion about words basedon their conventional meaning.

There are more to words from the lenses of their letters. Always remember this. Brain is a word that means conventionally a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that has to do with human activity.

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Beyond this, is another meaning that x- rays what it really means BRAIN ( Brewing Responsibility, Always Intiating Networking) In simple terms through the help of acronyms, the principal function of the brain is espoused. What does brain principally do? Making one to behave responsibly, coordinating and networking events, activities, situations and relationships. No being without brain can do any of such.

If I told you that you are FAKE, CRIMINALS, STUPID. MAD, etc, as much as you may be tempted to see these words through the lenses of their conventional meaning which may be horrible and condescending, looking at them from their acronyms positively may help greatly.

No one remains calm and unruffled if the word IDIOT is used on them. Certainly they would be pissed off.

If I said you are an IDIOT. The truth is, the word IDIOT is an assemblage of five letters to form a word and a sound by either a neologists or lexicographers.

Words are man made devoid of immutability, but for the purposes of universal communication pattern may take a static meaning.

. So are you an I.D.I.O.T ? ( Intelligently, diligently Intiating orderliness thoughtfully).

When we are asked to turn our lemon into lemonade. It means looking at life from a positive angle always. Looking at the bright and sunny side of life. It means being positively affirmative. It means if one told you that you are an idiot, instead of being angry and irritable because of the already serotyped meaning of it being imprecative, you rather would look at it from the positives of it being intelligently, diligently Intiating orderliness thoughtfully( IDIOT)

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The truth is, no word no matter how bad the meaning jumps at one, one shouldn’t be affected negatively

Learn to recreate every bad word used on you and turn them into a sonorous tune to your soul. Turn every lemon words thrown at you into a lemonade. You are your own happiness, trust me!

When you are said to be fake don’t understand it from its stereotype meaning, recreate it to mean ,”Fraternally acknowledging kinsmen expoits” (Fake).

When you are said to be mad, don’t get enranged, turn it to mean meticulously accepting divine directions (Mad)

When you are told that you are stupid ,nah ! Don’t feel bad, react by saying yes, because I am “Sacredly touched, uncommonly purified in divinity ” ( Stupid).

There is no word thrown at you, however horrible that cannot be turned into a positive word.

Inspire yourself always and never allow words spoken to you to be the source of your pain, despair and sadness.. You are more than mere words to allow them to define you.

Dr. Jarlath Uche Opara

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