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Beware Of The Murky Water Of Politics.



Jarlath Uche Opara

The clip of how you started, from grass to grace , looking pale and skinny is all over social media. I watched it, rewatched it, nothing but the truth that there is the call of God upon you.

The progression was evident. It wasn’t a bang, not even a nine day wonder. One can trace your root and your growth, very meteoric.

I imagined how it all started, the kind of vows and consecration you may have made before God and how you would have told God, “I wouldn’t go unless your presence follows me”.


Like a wind, it wheezed through my ears that you were once an ardent Charismatic. However true it is, is not my concern for now.

However, the truth which defies all shades of doubts is that, you have a genuine call of God . Though genuine, it can still be corrupted, creating room for ichabod when the hedge is broken. Though not our wish, it is possible regardless, with evidences abound. Overtimes it has happened.

You were shocked? As many were too , on the massive crowd. Like bees,their hummings loud and the stings to the coven of evil and altar of demon very ferocious.

If I asked you how many miracles, signs and wonders were recorded during your program, you probably wouldn’t know, except you were told. You are not all knowing, mere instrument and channels in God’s hands.

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Do these crowd around you know about this reality of you being a mere channel? A human being limited in knowledge, far from being all knowing? I guess they may not know.

Burdened by life challenges, pained by the woes of life, shattered and scattered by the buffeting of the ill winds of life, whoever gives them the semblance of hope for a new life becomes their messiah. So it is in your place to redirect their focus from you as all knowing to Him that knows the very intent of human heart with answers and solution that never fail.

It is you that will aid them to build their faith around God, developing personal relationship with Him, which would attract the miracles the seek effortlessly.

I have watched you minister severally. I have equally watched your open heaven daily prayer sessions and how your spiritual eyes roam around picking from a distance people’s challenges.

To some critics it is stage managed and to others it is real. The truth is, you have no control over what you see and what you don’t see. God is the giver of the gift of word of knowledge and wisdom, nobody arrogates such powers to himself. We are mere channels. I guess your admirers may not see you in that light of a mortal with limited knowledge except empowers and enables by God.

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Many of your critics said you are vulgar with words that should be treated with decency and sanctity. They said you call sensitive areas by their raw names in a matter of fact way. As a anointed man of God, their bar of decency for you is high. But the truth is, call a rose flower by any other name, it would still smell as good as a rose flower.

As you journey in this your call, as much as possible try to avoid the here and there pebbles of Delilah and Jezebel of this generation. They come in their shades, sizes and forms. They are tricky and have the aura of neutralising anointing however heavy, for those who are not at the battle front 2/4/7. David and Samson, a good reference point.

Beside the above, as dangerous as it seems, getting close to the murky water of politics can be dangerous, as corrosive and poisonous as acid.

Politics is good but its murky water very entangling. What looks nice and sparkling can be smeared in a minutes with the murky water of politics. The anointing and grace that dazzle and create wonders can be turned into cold ashes by the murky water of Politics. Run! Run!!and Run from it.

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Don’t blow the trumpet of any politician. Don’t be their Image maker. Never give your platform for election prophecies. You are neither INEC nor Supreme Court. Run away from Politicians and their murky water. It stinks, it smears with a lot of Trojan Horses .

Many men of God, highly anointed have fallen under the tsunamic force of the murky waters of Politics. Beware! Beware!! Beware!!!

I wish you well in your ministry!

If you still don’t know who I was talking about, forget it! You may be the only stranger in Jerusalem!

Jarlath Uche Opara

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