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State Of Emergency: 2027 Politics!!



Dr. Jarlath Uche Opara

Call it by any other name, one does so at ones joke and humour. It is 2027 politics, a game of selfishness, a chess game where pawns are used, Rooks, Bishops, Queen, Knights etc are strategically used to achieve one single aim and goal– checkmate.

In this 2027 chess game, mental focus is paramount, shrewdness is relevant, and being bloody and emotionless in laying traps for ones opponent an ace in the hole. It is a game that brings joy, happiness and supremacy feeling when victory is achieved and worry, despondent, forlorness and oftentimes lose of confidence when one becomes vanquished. Call it politics at its marfian level to achieve a selfish 2027 destination hidden and wrapped with the foil of peace, unity and safe guarding of democratic values.

We saw it coming, our permutation did not miss the bull’ eye and the motive behind it not gray and blurred. Would it be reversed? Would it stand? What are the possible consequeces, obvious and unintended ripple effects of such a marfian 2027 driven political move on the chess board of River State?

2027 seems far flung but it is close enough to engender this obvious and barefaced political impunity in a grandstanding manner.

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If this charade stands without it being challenged and resisted constitutionally its domino effect would be unimaginable. It would be a simple case of First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller

The muffling of opposition voices is palpable in this administration. The clamping down of voices seeking ventilation for good governance , rule of law, human right , freedom of speech etc obvious without scruple in this political era. It is Rivers today, it could be another of great interest tomorrow. Once the can is kicked down the road, it would continue to dangle down the sloppy road , who knows who next it would hit if not stopped.

This is politics! 2027 motivated!! However, history is always there to vindicate, for a scorpion has no friend however nicely treated and pampered its “scorpioness” would instictively play out.

The mischievous scorpion has been trending, the caveat is, beware of its stings . It has no permanent friend or enemy, it stung recently hands that fed and cuddled it in moments of needs. It will sting you after all once your relevance is waned and your presence around it very discomforting.

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Let the party go on and the music play on in the camp of the victors and sulking and moody moments in the vanquished camp, the future always has a way of making one stand in pensive mood to regret ones actions of impunity, brashness, arrogance, show of ominipotence bula ba, bala blue and unguarded ultrances.

This is politics at its brash level. It is politics of desperation in its promax level. The orgasm of 2027 is driving Scorpions crazy not to realize the effect of law of gravity and ripple effect of what goes up must come down and what is said to one about someone which one enjoys and relishes, same person also would equally say something about one to someone.

A leaking mouth knows no friend and the secrets of others which a leaking mouth makes public knowledge, be assured yours would equally be made public onces he becomes a bird with same feathers with you.

River State is a litmus paper, a Guinea pig etc if this illegality goes on unchallenged and nothing is done to resist this charade , be assured of a more similar actions to achieve their 2027 selfish interest.

On this 2027 political chess board, the strategy is to turn everyone into pawns, turning their claws as malleable political intruments to get their chestnut from the raging furnance of 2027.

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It may not concern you now, like the sound of rain heard from a distance , if nothing is done to stop it, in few minutes everyone would be drenched and shivering in coldness.

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