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A Chronic Devotee At A Time!



By Dr Jarlath Uche Opara

As a young growing person, my love for God was obsessive. So intensed, I desired nothing more intently than to know God. I wanted to be like God in all sense.His omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotence, all that I wanted.

I wanted to be able to wave my hands and people would fall. I wanted to look at someone and all their past, present and future lifestyles would roll through like a movie on a screen.


I desired to have all the powers to solve every single challenge that reduced human beings to mere shadow of themselves, a disaster image of hopelessness, living but squeezed by the strangulation of life vicissitudes.

I wanted to be an answer to my generational pains, pangs, agony and helplessness.

I wanted to be that ace in the hole, the well that people would come to draw the living water from.

I desired to be filled by the power of the Holy Ghost, putting smiles on people and being the answers to their prayer points.

In my mind then, the best way to get it done was to get involved in all the pious societies within the church. Though my background as a growing teenager actually set the stage for this obsession.

Growing up, my mother introduced me and my siblings to the devotion and spirituality of St Anthony of Padua. In my adolescent age my Dad may God rest his soul, introduced us too to Rosa Mystica devotion.

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Back then I would follow my mum to rosary prayer sessions which the women of my kindred then organised. Each day, around 8pm under the star lit environment they would gather and pray their rosary.

One day ,as the prayer was on, right directly where they gathered for the prayer an imprint of the rosary was found on the sky. That experience was so vivid, it seemed as if it happened just now.

I can go on and on,sharing my experiences as a young growing chap who desired nothing but to live a life of

At a time before I got married I was a member of St Anthony, St Jude, a pioneer member St Rita and Divine mercy. I was also a member of Precious Blood, Adorers of the Blessed Eucharist etc of course a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I wasn’t just a member but a committed one. Because of my dedication in all these societies, a woman one day asked me if I was a seminarian on Apostolic work😊.

I was that committed. I wanted to be like God and the sincerity was obviously devoid of any playing to the gallery. So when I was about to get married and God specifically told someone that my Son Jarlath was getting married, be a mother to him,I knew where it was coming from and my relationship with him top-notch.

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It was a moment of spiritual rejuvenation. A moment of sublime and blissful experience of God’s intimacy.

The pious societies helped me to put under check the exuberances of my youthfulness, clamping down on me not to give vent in passion and in emotion my youthfulness in a very risky manner.

Last Sunday, as I watched the consecration of the members of Infant Jesus of Prague in my parish, the memories of myself as a young growing person, dedicated to pious societies became fresh. Watching them take their concentration prayers, I remembered vividly how I was consecrated as an Adorer of the Blessed Eucharist. It was a solemn moment for me.

If I had died then,I would have died a Saint. Though I am not as committed as I was then, I am persuaded to believe that my prayer savings then is what I am still drawing from.

I am not here to flaunt. I am not recounting these experiences because I wanted attention, certainly not. I decided to recount my experiences with the pious societies to say unequivocally that:

1) Catholic Church is rich with multiple avenues for personal spiritual growth, maximise them.

2,) That it is better to use ones youthful energy to serve God, if it is well done, the savings would surely come handy when distractions and commitments become an obstacle to contend with in ones spiritual journey.

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3) Desiring to be like God in power, showcasing his power and might is good, but the ultimate is to live a good, decent and spirit filled life. If the powers come, all to the glory of his name.

5) There is nothing more fulfilling and esthetically enthralling spiritually than being a good Catholic. Try it!

6) Lastly , to let you know that ones youthfulness is better experienced and expended in God’s awesome presence. It return on investment, massive!

We are still pushing and pressing to get back to our first love level of spiritual intimacy. With nostalgia it keeps jumping at me😭 May God help me and many others who want to rekindle the fire of their first love. To our young ones , get closer to God now, madness is better experienced in youthfulness. I was there!

Dr.Jarlath Uche Opara

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