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Arts and Life




Jarlath Uche Opara

Life is a good teacher, with deep understanding of what was, what is and what possibly would happen. It comes with a research methodology that lays the cards on the table, creating options and the attendant consequences to the various victims and Victors in the race of life.

I have been around for a while in the field of life. I have equally played some games that either gave me a twisted ankle, strained nerves, muscle pulls or total victory without hurt or pain.

Such is life! Trust me, there is no one fix it all strategy, rules and regulations that give same result in same situation and circumstances.
What works for A wouldn’t possibly work for B in same situation and circumstances.

I have sat down trying to understand life and how it works. The more I try to understand it, the more it changes. The more I think I am close enough to have a firm hold on it, the more it slipes away like an eel. It seems to me at some point that life is a butterfly. The more one chases it, the more it keeps flying off ones reach. Care-less about it, on its own accord it comes perching on ones shoulder.

This is not to validate slothfulness, rather to discourage anxiety, impatience and unnecessary overreaching ones.

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Life gives no one lemonade, it gives at best lemon. It gives no omelette, but it can give egg. It gives no ice cream, but it can give ingredients for it. It gives no sumptuous meal, but it can give oil, pepper, salt, onions etc

It takes human effort, ingenuity and creativity to make something good out of what life gives. Taking them in isolation may not produce a taste so desirable. Such is life and a validation of all things work together for good to those who believe. One can twist it to mean all things thrown to one by life, certainly would work together for good to those who are ingenious and creative enough to piece them together,including this ongoing protest.

This protest is like a lemon thrown at us (both the led and leaders) It could be taken in it sourness or converted into a more tasteful drink.

Each time I watch the way this protest is progressing and the panic it is gradually building, I see lemon and egg narratives. We can come out of this protest with a large volume of lemonade and omelette or continue to drink the bland raw egg and sour lemon. The choice is ours.

How did we get here? How did we allow the system to degenerate so bad to the point of leaders losing every sense of humanity and the led slipping into complacent disposition of the ills and frauds around and under their noses?

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How did the led become so “mumuish” to be dancing around, hailing, fetching and carrying for those who rape them economically everyday? SIN and SAT is the answer. The leaders have been an embodiment of SIN. They have played it so well, it has become the insignia of any politician that wants to fraudulently succeed. This SIN strategy is one of the things fuelling this protest. When SIN( Selfishness, Ingratitude , Narcissism) Becomes the personality of our politicians they become mere animals in human skin. Looting for their selfish interest, Ingratitude to the masses on whose votes and support they got to power, being so Narcissist nothing else matters but them. Isn’t this this cause of this protest?

On the part of the led, they have been pummelled by the wind of SIT. It has turned them into high grand mumu, who bow to beg for something that belongs to them. Who smile and applaud those that take away good life from them. Who flock around the people that are impoverishing them, fuelling the emptiness of their corrupt lifestyle and making them feel like demigod. SIT(Slothfulness, Intimidation, Timidity) has been the albatrose of the masses and the root cause of this protest.

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Until the leaders move away from SIN to SUN and The Led from SIT to SAT we will continue to live in this quagmire of dry throat at the middle of an ocean.

Until our leaders move from SIN ( Selfishness, Ingratitude, Narcissism) To SUN( Sincerity, Utilitarianism, Neutrality) and the led move from SIT ( Slothfulness, Intimidation, Timidity) to SAT ( Solidarity, Assertiveness, Thinking- creatively) We will continue to run round the circle of the politicians eating our collective cakes while we make due with the crumbs for those that may be generous enough.

Let both the leaders and the led pick all the lemons, eggs, pebbles, pepper, oil, salt etc thrown at us during this protest and make something good out of them.

What defines a man is not what happenes to him but how he reacts to that which happened to him. What next after this protest? What would be our collective reactions? Back to status quo?

Jarlath Uche Opara

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